What is Supreme Dispassion?

There is a state of meditation in which the yogi is able to glimpse back over eons of time. Having truly glimpsed the shoreless ocean of his earthly existence, he develops a state of supreme dispassion. His disgust with this world becomes so strong that he literally craves annihilation.

When you truly see, unequivocally, you've literally been running in circles asleep for countless lifetimes, you realize this world is nothing but a vast and endless dream.

You realize there is nothing in this world that can fulfill you. You simply cannot win here; it is a zero-sum game. There is an upside and a downside to absolutely everything. Every pleasure contains pain. Joy and sorrow are finely woven together. Wealth and fame are seen as bondage. Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same cursed coin. And you want nothing more than to end your earthly existence, but you know full well that death will NOT get you off this rock. The only way off this rock is to die while you are alive. Present your body a living sacrifice and truly become born again.


To do this most effectively, most of the ancient masters have retreated into the wilderness where they face down the ego one last time; they face down their demons, stare the devil in the eyes and smile and they Emerge a brand-new human being. It's sort of like Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings when he faces down the Balrog, a fiery beast and powerful user of magic that pulls the grey wizard down into the depths of the abyss where they battle it out for eons.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" the yogi tells the ego, which is the flesh. Eventually, the wizard emerges a brighter more purified version of himself that (moving forward) seeks only to help others and serve the creator of this vast and infinite time-space matrix. In order to be of maximum service to your fellow human beings, you have to develop non-attachment and divest yourself of all your old ideas and motives. The closer I strive to God, the more he strips away at me, the more he purifies me. The more I give to Him, the more I gain.

Life is nothing but an endless journey and we are all fellow travelers on this road of life. It is only when we surrender our quest to find things outside of ourselves for fulfillment that we find we’ve had a wealth of inner riches at our disposal this entire time.

Nothing is nearer or dearer than the Self, the ancient masters of the east say.

Life is a journey of self-discovery.

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring is to arrive at where we started and know the place for the first time.”

Brian Evans

This site is all about optimizing human potential, which is limitless. The author is an award-winning journalist who was trapped in alcoholism and drug addiction for many years before having a very profound spiritual awakening that opened his eyes and sent him down a path of rigorous study, meditation and self-mastery.

Ultimately, he has come to see with no uncertainty that physical death is not the end. Existence is an endless sea of consciousness and our seemingly individual finite minds are very much connected to the infinite. 


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