What is Spiritual Amnesia?
Brian Evans Brian Evans

What is Spiritual Amnesia?

The ancient master Christ’s most sacred inner teachings is being almost wholeheartedly ignored by the mainstream church because it threatens their existing power structure and very lucrative financial exploitation of the living Christ. The irony is, the very one’s responsible for this massive cover up in 400 AD, the Roman Catholic Church, is now acknowledging that Christianity is not the only way to God and they are encouraging peace among the world’s religions.

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The Mind-Body-Spirit Revolution is Underway!
Brian Evans Brian Evans

The Mind-Body-Spirit Revolution is Underway!

It is my hopes to inspire others into understanding the limitless nature of human potential. With all the obsession with technology in our age, I believe most humans are missing out on the greatest technology on the planet: The mind, body and spirit is connected to the infinite intelligence that animates the cosmos.

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Which religion is right?
Brian Evans Brian Evans

Which religion is right?

No single religious tradition can claim to have a monopoly on the Truth, which is infinite and beyond our understanding.

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What is Supreme Dispassion?
Brian Evans Brian Evans

What is Supreme Dispassion?

What does this world have to offer when the entire universe is inside of you? The human mind, body and spirit is the greatest technology on the planet, and it is being squandered!

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What is Spiritual Intelligence?
Brian Evans Brian Evans

What is Spiritual Intelligence?

Spiritual Intelligence is the most important form of intelligence, according to the world’s leading thinkers. It is what governs our IQ, health and well-being.

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Story of the atheist and the pastor
Brian Evans Brian Evans

Story of the atheist and the pastor

This funny little parable is far more true than people are willing to admit. Which side do you find yourself on?

Blind faith in religious traditions or an advocate of modern science? Just something to think about. Common sense indicates there is a middle ground.

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The journey of a thousand miles begins…
Brian Evans Brian Evans

The journey of a thousand miles begins…

Destroy the ego, the false self, and all that remains is the Divine Essense underneath. It’s been there all along, the witness. Self Realization is the beginning of a process of abiding in one’s True Nature, which is Divine. The universe is one giant living mind and your mind is a microcosm very much connected to the macrocosm.

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Addiction to Enlightenment
Brian Evans Brian Evans

Addiction to Enlightenment

Prayer is great. Helping others is better. And realizing your True Identity behind all the names and forms you’ve built around the ego is essential during this massive planetary shift in consciousness, as science and quantum physics show us that consciousness is the ground of all being, and from it time and space emerge to structure reality in such a way that we can play out our roles as separate individuals, continuously incarnating in different roles to collect experiences for the One Infinite Creator.

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You are loved beyond your wildest dreams!
Brian Evans Brian Evans

You are loved beyond your wildest dreams!

Science is shifting gears as we are realizing we’ve been looking in the wrong direction for the origins of the universe. We’ve been looking out there, when in fact, the Creator lies within. Anyone at any time can realize their innermost essence, which is divine. Take some time to contemplate the absolute today and ask the most important question: “Who am I?”

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